20230125-005 Strawberry hill roses in jar 8x6 1080pxls.jpg roses in canning jar framed 5x4.jpg

Roses in Bell Canning Jar, 8x6 inches, original oil painting

Blue hydrangeas and stripes, framed oil painting, 8 x 10 inches blue hydrangeas and strips framed 02.jpeg

Blue hydrangeas and stripes, framed oil painting, 8 x 10 inches

Golden Roses 12x12 1080pxls.jpg Golden Roses 12x12 framed.jpg

Golden roses, framed oil painting, 12 x 12 inches

20230118-001 roses in asian bowl 8x10 1080pxls.jpg roses in bowl framed 5x4.jpg

Roses in Asian Bowl, framed oil painting, 8x10 inches

Roses and Peonies, framed oil painting, 11x14 inches

Roses and Peonies, framed oil painting, 11x14 inches

Litchfield Angel Roses, 5x7 inches, original oil painting 20180907-017 Litchfield Angel Roses 5x7 1000pxls.jpg

Litchfield Angel Roses, 5x7 inches, original oil painting

Peonies on Book 13x12 1080pxls.jpg 13x12 peonies on book framed.jpg

Peonies on Book, framed oil painting, 13x12 inches

Peonies in Plaid Vase 1080pxls.jpg Peonies in Plaid Vase 1080pxls 01.jpg

Peonies in Plaid Vase, framed oil painting, 11x14 inches

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Festiva Maxima Peonies, framed oil painting, 12x12 inches

20210503-013 Lilacs and Klimt 1000pxls.jpg lilacs 30x24 staged.jpg

Lilacs and Klimt's Lady with Fan, 30 x 24 inches, original oil painting

20210407-012a Peonies and Blue Willow 12x16 1000pxls.jpg Peonies and blue willow staged.jpg

Peonies on Blue Willow Plate, 12 x 16 inches, original oil painting

Drop of Dew rug staged.jpg 20210422-009 Drop of Dew 20x16 1000pxls.jpg

On a Drop of Dew, 20 x 16 inches, original oil painting

Parrot Tulips 20x16 staged 02.jpg 20210320-010 In Good Company 1000pxls.jpg

In Good Company (Parrot Tulips), 20 x 16 inches, original oil painting

Reading Stack with Azaleas and Bleeding Hearts, 16 x 20 inches, Oil on Panel

Reading Stack with Azaleas and Bleeding Hearts, 16 x 20 inches, Oil on Panel

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Forget-me-nots inPewter Cup, 9 x 12 inches, Oil on Panel

20210527-016 Azaleas and Bleeding Hearts 8x12 1000pxls.jpg 20210527-016 Azaleas and BHs 8x12 detail 01.jpg

Bleeding Hearts and Azaleas, 8 x 12 inches, original oil painting

20210521-015 pattern language 12x20 1000pxls.jpg Hyacinths and books staged.jpg

A Pattern Language, 12 x 20 inches, original oil painting

20170509-007 peony 8x6.jpg Peony Festiva Maxima DSC_4289.jpg

Peony "Festiva Maxima", 8x6 inches original oil painting

Peonies and Roses, 12 x 10 inches, original oil painting 20210506-014 Peonies and Roses 12x10 detail 01.jpg

Peonies and Roses, 12 x 10 inches, original oil painting

Tea and Morning Sunlight, framed oil painting, 24x30 inches

Tea and Morning Sunlight, framed oil painting, 24x30 inches

Yellow Rose and Ginger Jar, framed oil painting, 8x10 inches yellow rose and ginger jar framed.jpg

Yellow Rose and Ginger Jar, framed oil painting, 8x10 inches

Peonies, One Pink and One White, framed oil painting, 8x10 inches peonies pink and white framed.jpg

Peonies, One Pink and One White, framed oil painting, 8x10 inches
