Painting Demonstration and Q&A for
the Art League of Alexandria, Sept 15, 2020
The goal for this event was to highlight how taking an online class over Zoom is still a great way to connect and foster creative friendships. It is always a pleasure to spend time with students, painting and creating a creative community that is supportive and enlivening. I love teaching and I am so happy to have figured out a GREAT way to connect with like-minded creative souls. I miss in-person classes, but am so thankful we have this option via Zoom!
Would you like to see the recording*? Here is the link.
*There was a recording error during part of the 2-1/2 hour Zoom presentation. Unfortunately the actual painting demonstration (57:00 to 1:55:00) only show a black screen with audio. All of the Q&A sessions before and after the painting demonstration accurately records all interaction, providing excellent information.
Teaching Newsletter Archive
Deliberate Practice: My Mental Framework in Improving My Artistic Expression, published 09/11/2017
Visual Perception and Painting Realistically, published 10/09/2017 (Art Theory)
When Form is a Priority, the Painting Looks Real, published 10/23/2017 (Painting Fundamentals: Form)
The Interconnected Relationships of Form, Value, and Color, published 11/06/2017 (Painting Fundamentals: Values)
Painting Analysis of the “Trumpeter of the Hussars,” by Theodore Gericault, published 12/04/2017 (Painting Fundamental: Composition)
Creative Holidays Make for Better Paintings, published 12/18/2017, (Studio Practice and Habits)
Expression and a Hierarchy of Edges, published 1/8/2018 (Painting Fundamentals: Edge Quality)
Seeking Nuance in Values, published 1/22/2018 (Painting Fundamentals: Values)
What to do when you fall off the wagon of "creative habit", published 1/07/2019 (Studio Practice and Habits)
The creative process begins with an idea, published 02/06/2019 (Art Theory: Creative Process)
Repetition is one of the best ways to stretch your painting skills
Focused time and effort is an expression of your creativity.
Appreciation of beauty and how creating art is an expression of this love
Art at its best lifts the veil that obscures reality in things seen.