Reflecting and Goal Setting for 2021 (not too soon IMO)
Gouache on Watercolor paper
Its Sunday, December 6, 2020 and I have been using this weekend to reflect on 2020 and to plan for 2021 goals.
I know, there is a month left of 2020, however I am ready to move on and I have learned in the past that if I use the month of December to plan and experiment with my goals for the next year, when January 1 arrives I am ready to rock and roll!
Also, if I learned one thing from 2020 it’s that focusing on what is in my control is the best way to move forward in these turbulent times. Setting personal goals and daily habits matter. Finding space for creativity matters. Committing to small daily and weekly goals matter.
I have been reflecting on 2020 a lot this week and I have a lot to dream of and think about as we enter 2021. Over the next month I plan to work through four goal-setting steps, if you would like to follow along, make sure you are subscribed to my “teaching newsletters”. As I am going to send out each step throughout the month of December.
As a sneak peek, I have already begun to explore the feasibility of a new daily art project.
Sketchbook with gouache
I will explain it more in the following weeks. I am super excited to see where this will lead me in my creative journey.
Until next time,