The Charm of Foxgloves, oil on panel, 24 x 16 inches, framed oil painting
The Charm of Foxgloves, oil on panel, 24 x 16 inches
This is my largest painting in the “From Garden to Vase” collection. When I began thinking about how I wanted to capture the particular charm of foxgloves from the garden, I knew I wanted to highlight the height and strength of the flower stem, but I also wanted to share that homegrown flowers are not perfect, that sometimes when I bring in flowers from the garden they do not have all of their petals and that there might be a twist in their form due to growing conditions.
This is all beautiful to me.
This is what makes flowers from the garden so special.
They are beautiful in their uniqueness.
So I set out to emphasize the grace and temperament of the foxglove growing in the garden this year. Each flower is special, from the tubular shapes and the freckles in the throat of the flowers, just about everything.