Morning Ramble, 16 x 15 inches

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Morning Ramble

Last year in early June, my old garden was blooming well. Sweet Williams had taken over a corner of my flowerbeds, the chives I had separated and planted in a row, trying to create a bordering edge the year before were a riot of blooms, and everything else was green and lush. The garden was getting ready for the height of late June.

Early June is a period of time in my Virginia garden that I particularly love, the temperatures are not too hot, however they are warm enough for the summer blooms to begin appearing. It is a magical time of transition.

The morning I took the reference photos for this painting, my daughter Naomi was roaming around and in her own little world. The light was bright and was so sparkling. When I took the photos, I could not get the image of her backlit out of my mind. I knew I would paint the scene.

For inquiries please email
16x15 inches, oil on linen panel, framed
$1,800 USD

Exhibition History:
OPA Eastern Regional Juried Exhibition, 2017