Butterfly Princess, 16 x 24 inches

Butterfly Princess by Elizabeth Floyd, 16 x 24 inches, oil on linen

Butterfly Princess by Elizabeth Floyd, 16 x 24 inches, oil on linen

My dear daughter Naomi is a girl who likes to dress up, and tiaras are a favorite accessory. One spring morning this year when the tulips were at their height, Naomi had dressed and primped from preschool and looked so beautiful in the morning sunlight, I had to capture the moment and turn it into a painting.

For inquires please email contact@elizabethfloyd.com

Exhibition Schedule:
Principle Gallery, Alexandria, VA 8/2016-9/2016
Awarded Honorable Mention in the 8th Annual Expressions Portrait Competition, ArtSpace, Herndon, VA 10/5/2016-10/28/2016