Still Life with Creamer and Grapes, 10 x 8 inches
Still Life with Creamer and Grapes
It was a few years ago when I realized what vision of life I try to share when I paint still lifes. At that time, I was trying to find the one unifying feature that defined what I was doing with my art, and use this information to better inform myself so I could improve my process.
What I learned from this mental exercise is that I am drawn to the subtle nuances of beauty, and that I enjoy how when I slow down to admire a simple object, I feel more complete and at peace with my present. So for me when I paint a still life, I am trying to share this same feeling and sense of calm.
And nothing is more rewarding to me than being able to take a common object, such as this earthenware creamer, and make it sparkle in its own distinct way.
Framed Painting: SOLD {10" x 8″ – oil on canvas panel}