Heirloom Tomato #9, 8 x 8 inches


Heirloom Tomato #9

 Heirloom Tomato #9

Every year I anticipate the end of summer and the imagined glut of tomatoes I hope to receive from the garden. Alas, this year did not yield the desired amount to indulge upon. We have been lucky with a few but not the bumper crop like we have experienced in previous summers...

Have you had success this year with your tomatoes? I hope so, as there is nothing more sweet and delicious than eating fresh tomatoes.

Heirloom Tomato #9- framed

{8″ x 8″ (20.3 x 20.3 cm) – oil on linen panel} {14″ x 14″ (35.6 x 35.6 cm) with frame}

CulledElizabeth Floyd