Loudoun County Fields, 5 x 9 inches


landscape painting by Elizabeth Floyd

{a recent landscape painting, Loudoun County Fields, with other items gathered and found over the years}

 My goal with blogging is to inspire the idea of... living a creative life...  something that has been foremost in my mind for the last few months... because it asks more from me... it asks me to think of my life as a whole, not to compartmentalize... instead to embrace all my interests and those of others.

Loudoun County Fields Loudoun County Fields

When I started this blog 5-1/2 years ago, I was very strict in compartmentalizing my life. I had a "work" life, I had a "personal" life, and I had an "art" life. I did not let them cross because if I had, it would have been totally obvious that I was biding my time in architecture until the day came that I could leave it to pursue being an artist. It felt safer keeping that secret, and just treating the different areas of my life separately.

After leaving architecture, life and art became more unified, but I still maintained the separation... this time out of habit rather than need. Then the big game changer occurred... I became the mother of a precious daughter, and I no longer wanted to compartmentalize my life so much. I wanted to share everything I was doing... the art creation.... the sewing projects... the cooking... the crafts... and just living in general.

Being a mother, a wife, and an artist was just the way I was... I am.

And this blog has become the place where I share all these interests... it has become so much more, where I express my ideas, thoughts, and dreams... Going forward I will share more... art... inspiration... recipes... craft projects... and whatever else makes for living a creative life.  And I hope you will join in and share the creative activities that make your life so special also as well...

Thanks for being with me so far, knowing you stop by and comment is a very important part of my life.



Loudoun County Fields

{How the painting looks matted and ready to pop into an 11” x 14” frame}
approx 5” x 9” (12.7 x 22.9 cm)– oil on gessoed paper }
Matted painting: $175.00 starting bid + S&H