Friday Inspiration: Thomas Hart Benton
Are you a fan of Thomas Hart Benton?
I am.
It started when my family moved to Columbia, Mo. I was going into the 6th grade. While living in Missouri, I visited the state capitol in Jefferson City and first encountered the art of Thomas Hart Benton(THB). At the time I did not understand it, but I was drawn in and riveted by his use of colors - a rainbow of colors, figures, and features…
Yesterday while framing some work for an upcoming show, I had the fantastic documentaryabout his life and work playing in the background. I wanted to share a bit of it with you…
He was trained at the Art Institute of Chicago, then went to Paris to study, spending hours in the Louvre and cutting the classes he was there for. Then he returned to New York City. While in NYC, he tried just about every painting style and school, dabbled in politics, and overall stirred things up.
THB said he spent 15 years exploring ...
He often said that the artis's life was the best kind of life, if you could get through the first forty years...
My favorite quote of his is:
"The only way an artist can personally fail, is to quit"
So my friends, NEVER quit, always keep at it, think about the grand design, and dedicate your life blood to the craft of art.