Plein Air Painting: this week's excursions
Hello, Here are the paintings from this week's plein air excursions. I know this weekend will be full, so I do not plan on going out to paint.
Potomac River Series XXIII - Old Town SOLD
{approx. 5" x 7" (12.7 x 17.8 cm) – oil on gessoed paper}
It was the brightness of the creamy house constrasted with the verdent greens of the trees and hedges that captured my attention, so I worked on trying to capture the nuances of the colors and values found on the house and in the trees. I particularly like how Colin Page paints buildings, he manages to capture all the subtle color changes in a wall plain, thus making what could be a simple and boring block of color into something dynamic.
Potomac River Series XXIV
{approx. 8" x 12" (20.3 x 30.4 cm) – oil on gessoed paper}
Yesterday we were back on the river, it was low tide and the air was particularly hazy. I have come to love the hazy mornings of the DC region.
Since working on this plein air project of capturing various views of the Potomac River between Mount Vernon and Old Town I have been scouting out other plein air artists that have blogs. Here is a short list of artists I have enjoyed learning more about.
. Colin Page . Marc Hanson . Terry Miura
Do any of you have other recommendations? I would love learn about other plein air artists that blog and add them to my daily reading...
Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend! Liz