Orchids Drawing

04 2009 orchids dwg at table 1.jpg

Orchids – 12" x 9" – Colored Pencil on Paper – Etsy Store

Instead of painting today I sat down and drew. This is beneficial for my back and enabled me to explore some. I like having one day a week to explore a different medium other than oil paint. This drawing began as a monochrome drawing following a technique taught in my Friday drawing class. Robert Liberace demonstrated an adapted red chalk method, that uses Berol Verithin pencils (color = terracotta) and shellacked paper. Red artist chalk is close to impossible to locate, so Robert developed a way using these pencils so you are able to emulate classical red chalk drawings. Here is one of Robert's red chalk drawings.

After blocking in the drawing with terracotta the desire to keep the drawing as a monochrome drawing disappeared. Soon I was digging out colors and going to town. I have not drawn with these pencils since architecture school, which I graduated from over nine years ago. I never get rid of art supplies, so it was fun pulling these out of their box playing around with them.