Another Black Background - Mango #4

03 2009 Mango 42.jpg

Mango #4 – 6" x 8" – Oil on Canvas Panel – SOLD

Since Tuesday I have been using the black background for still life objects. The effect is so beautiful, that it just seems natural to try another and another. Hmmmm, I wonder what this would look like? The reason this captives my attention so much is because as the objects roll back in space the edges just softly become black. I love the sense of deep quite space. The way the object sits in front of the background and all the soft edges that disappear.

So today is my third day working as an artist. I found that there was not enough time in the day to complete all that I had set out to do. Maybe after awhile I will get better at estimating time required for various tasks, but for now I feel super excited and wanting to tackle everything with gusto. So I am really tired tonight and am looking forward to going to bed early. Have a great one and see you tomorrow.

UPDATE: Reader Shirley tipped me off that my links were not working. I have now corrected the links.