Red Pear Still Life Painting

red pear 2008.jpg

Red Pear – 6" x 8" Oil on Canvas Panel – SOLD

Yah-hoo! I was able to grab some time yesterday to make a small painting! It feels like it has been forever… for the past four weeks my painting time was cut in half with work and other business related activities. It feels good to be back in the saddle.

This was my second attempt at painting this single pear. The first one got wiped down. And it really proves that you have to go with your gut on this, as the first attempt was just not coming together. When I did wipe it down, I felt free and ready to face the next opportunity. For me this pear was a challenge to depict the blues and purples in the shadow areas while also making the form round.

Here is a detail photo:

One activity that has kept me from painting as well is that I am going through several new books that were generously given to me by my mother-in-law, Susie. Her mother was an art teacher in Montgomery County for several years and had collected a wonderful library of all sorts of books related to art. Later this year I will share some of my favorites with some book reviews, for now I wanted to share a photo of my kitty, Slim, and how she has chosen to appreciate the new books…