Strawberry Still Life Painting

strawberries 2008.jpg

Summer Strawberries – 6" x 8" Oil on Canvas Panel SOLD

For about an hour I fussed with these strawberries to come up with something I liked. Strawberries are sweet and girly, and I kept trying out different bowls and such to come up with a soft and light setup. Finally I opened a cabinet and came upon these frilly porcelain dishes. They were bought originally as water dishes for my girl kitty, Slim, however she prefers drinking out of glass water goblets so I had forgotten about them. In order to guarantee that she stays properly hydrated we find it easier to give in and supply water in the cups she prefers drinking from. So these white dishes have been languishing in the cabinets. But not for long, now that I have discovered them as a still life object, they are bound to show up again :)